Saturday, 3 September 2016

Farmer's Market Salad

I don't usually share our lunches but this looked too good and pretty not to share! No special recipe, but just a salad with an awesome spring mix from the farmer's market in Brandon today, full of lots of different greens - I'm not even sure what to be honest! The bags are topped with pansies (edible!) so gives a cute pop of colour! I topped our salads with cucumber, Granny Smith Apple, avocado and goat cheese... Sounds like a strange combo maybe, I don't know, but it was good :) 
I had a raspberry vinaigrette and Brent had creamy poppyseed. I didn't want our extra ciabatta bread to dry up and go to waste so made garlic toast!! Maybe we each didn't need both sides of the bun but whatever, it's the long weekend! 

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