Wednesday 14 September 2016

Cauliflower and Potato Slow-Cooker Soup

Fall is coming... We had to turn on the furnace...maybe we're babies lol but it was cold! Boo - So I made soup in the slow-cooker!  A nice creamy cauliflower and potato soup but with no fatty cream or milk!! I just threw all of this into the slow cooker on low for about 6 hours or until cauliflower and potatoes are tender.  Then blend with immersion blender until smooth! Garnish with whatever!! I topped with mozza cheese and parsley!

1 head cauliflower, chopped
4 red potatoes, peeled and chopped
1/4 cup red onion, chopped
900ml vegetable broth (I think that's about 3 cups!)
1 1/2 tsp minced garlic
Pinches of salt, pepper and cayenne pepper

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