Wednesday 26 July 2017

Jalapeño & Raspberry Goat Cheese

I bought some jam from the Farmer's Market here in Carberry today from "My Tiny Kitchen" - she has soooo many fun different jams, I couldn't choose! But went with a Jalapeño Raspebrry and also a Saskatoon Rhubarb - YUM!

So I just had to make us a little appetizer to try out the Jalapeño Raspberry before supper! Just put a scoop of plain goat cheese in a small baking dish, topped with about 2 TBSP of the Jam and 1 TBSP of chopped pecans. Baked in the oven at 350F for about 20 mins and served with crackers!

Keeping with the goat theme... lol just had to share  - they also had a little petting zoo at the market and Devlan got to pet a goat!

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