Saturday, 14 January 2017

Crispy Kale Tortilla Pizza

Pizza night!  A yummy pizza topped with kale, garlic, jalapenos, mine with chicken and Brent’s with Portobello mushrooms. You could totally make this on whatever pizza crust you wanted to and any kind of other toppings along with the kale of course!


Ingredients are for 1 tortilla pizza but make as many as you want :)


1 tortilla (we used a whole grain with quinoa!)

1-2 TBSP sauce (we used a tomato sauce, you don’t want too much on a tortilla or is too soggy!)

¾ cup kale, chopped

1 tsp minced garlic

1 tsp olive oil

1/2 fresh jalapeno, seeded and chopped finely

½ cup other toppings (cooked chicken, Portobello mushrooms, etc)

½ cup mozzarella cheese

2 TBSP fresh shredded parmesan cheese


Preheat oven to 300F.  In a small bowl, combine kale, olive oil and garlic and mix with your hands to coat the kale. Spread sauce evenly on tortilla then spread jalapenos and chicken/mushrooms on as well. Top with mozza cheese, then kale and parmesan on top.  Bake for about 20 minutes, or until cheese is melted, kale is crispy and before the tortilla is burnt! Rotate pan every 5 minutes or so and finish by broiling cheese if you’d like.



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